Recently, The 7th Phu My Hung Green Day 2024, themed “Live Green – Live Healthy,” took place in a lively atmosphere and received positive responses from nearly 3,000 visitors. The event also provided an opportunity for family members to relax and have fun over the weekend.
Green Day is an annual community event organized by Phu My Hung Corporation to promote the green and healthy living movement. With many environmentally-focused activities, the event attracted significant interest from residents of District 7 and surrounding areas.

During the two-day event, the “Exchange Old Batteries, Books for Gifts” activity received widespread attention and support from visitors. The organizers collected approximately 2,000 old books, and over 120 kg of used batteries, encouraging people to care about environmental protection.

The children’s play area was a highlight, attracting the kids’ interest with many creative activities such as tree planting guidance, making toys from recycled materials, waste segregation at the source, vegetable coloring, fishing, and more. These activities not only brought joy but also helped the children understand the importance of environmental protection.

Additionally, the event showcased green and clean products, agricultural produce, food, decorative plants, and eco-friendly household items for visitors.

Phu My Hung Green Day is part of a series of community events organized by Phu My Hung Corporation, contributing to gradually enhancing the value and quality of life for the local community.
The Organizer of The 7th Phu My Hung Green Day 2024 would like to extend our sincere thanks to the following Sponsors: Gold Sponsor: Vinasun Taxi Silver Sponsor: Crescent Mall Bronze Sponsors: HoneyLand, Livin PMH App Supporters: District 7 Women’s Union, Million Seeds Project, Vagoo, ILA, Happy World Kindergarten, Phiên Chợ Xanh Tử Tế Project |