Last weekend, in the Crescent Strip of Phu My Hung City Center, District 7, The 6th Phu My Hung Green Day took place, drawing approximately 8,000 participants who engaged in numerous environmentally-focused activities.

The festival is an annual event organized by Phu My Hung, in support of the green and healthy living movement. It also serves as a platform to showcase and promote environmentally friendly agricultural products, food, cosmetics, and other green and clean products.

Guests at the festival showed considerable interest in decorative green products and tree planting and care models.

The activity of exchanging batteries and old books for gifts, aimed at raising awareness about environmental protection during the Phu My Hung Green Day, received a positive response from many attendees. The Organizer successfully collected over 130 kilograms of old batteries over the course of two days.

The “Millions of Seeds” project, conceived by students from Lawrence S. Ting School to promote a love for nature within the community, was featured at The Phu My Hung Green Day 2023. Over 1,000 seeds were distributed as part of this project.

Numerous kids enthusiastically took part in tree planting and care activities during The Phu My Hung Green Day 2023.

Young actress Ngan Chi demonstrated keen interest in learning how to craft toys from recycled materials, partaking in an activity designed to promote environmental awareness at the Phu My Hung Green Day.

In the spirit of community sharing, The Phu My Hung Green Day 2023 also featured a charity booth with the aim of raising funds to assist the less fortunate.
The Organizer of The 6th Phu My Hung Green Day 2023 extends gratitude to the organizations that have supported and participated in the event:
• Gold Sponsor: Vinasun Taxi
• Silver Sponsor: Crescent Mall
• Bronze Sponsors: HoneyLand, Livin PMH App
• Supportive Sponsors:, An Herbalcare, Bakalland, Kim Mỹ Group, Millions of Seeds” project, Business Support Association, Apollo Vietnam, Happy World Kindergarten, Limu Paletas.
News, photos: Thanh Toan