
Phu Hung Dai Phat offers 3 free insurance value changes, no appraisal needed

When buying in Phu Hung Dai Phat package of Phu Hung Life Insurance Joint Stock Company (Phu Hung Life), customers will get 3 times of insurance amount increase with no health assessment needed. This is one of the outstanding features which is suitable for different financial capabilities and protection needs at important milestones such as marriage or childbirth.

In addition to protection benefits and flexible terms, Phu Hung Dai Phat also help customers feel secure in owning a sustainable financial plan thanks to an expected investment interest rate of up to 6.25%/year (*) calculated on the basic account value and added payment. It can be said that this is an attractive and effective source of passive income, from which customers can be more active for some future goals such as building and repairing houses, traveling and helping the community.

(*) Investment interest rate announced on Phu Hung Life’s website, applied from October 1, 2021 until further notice.

Phu Hung Life Insurance Joint Stock Company (Phu Hung Life)

5th floor, CR3-05 A, 109 Ton Dat Tien, Tan Phu ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

Tel: (84-8) 5413 7199



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