Summer in our minds is often associated with sweltering heat, a series of days where every time we see the number on the thermometer slowly increasing, then reaching 40 degrees Celsius, we feel scared. Summer is the time when people see each other less when they go out, because everyone has to find some masks and covered clothes to reduce the “devastating power” of the sun and heat.
If you just stay at home, watch the weather, read statuses complaining on social networks, perhaps this summer will be a lot “less lovely”.
However, try stepping out on the street and looking here and there, maybe you will discover that there are still some places where the summer does not seem to be “grumpy” but more pleasant than other places thanks to the presence of water and green trees. Phu My Hung Midtown is such a place. It’s also summer, but the summer air here is a bit more “gentle and cool”.

Cooling off in a hot summer
Phu My Hung Midtown is not only a complex, but also a green oasis in the heart of the city. Next to the complex is Sakura Park, 600m long, with an area of more than 1.2 hectares. The beautiful landscape here will be an ideal stop for you to relax and enjoy peaceful moments on hot summer days. And you will definitely be “impassioned” with the cool, fresh breeze and the scent of hundreds of blooming flowers.

This season is the “blooming” season of vegetation in Midtown with the presence of vibrant colors of Ruby, Laurel, Fairy hair flowers (Ipomoea quamoclit), Phuc Loc Tho (Costus woodsonii), Violets (Ruellia simplex), Pink willow, Duranta erecta, Sunshine tree (Cordyline), Deer Eyes (Alternanthera dentata), Guava flowers (Lantana camara), Rosa multiflora, pink petal Bauhinia variegata. The natural picture is bright and more attractive thanks to being placed next to the cool flow of the Ca Cam River.

Excellent quality “check-in” point
Possessing a unique space combining architecture and landscape, Midtown has no shortage of “hot” check-in spots for you to relax and capture beautiful moments. From colorful graffiti walls to gardens with eye-catching flowers and grass. Sometimes just by stepping across the street, you have “connected” the dimensions of space in Midtown together in a unique photo at the only complex of Phu My Hung.
The Peak is the final and most beautiful part of the Midtown. Here, you can immediately save “a moment of innocence” when you walk and look back at the falling leaves; or increase the number of photos in the Midtown Album with a photo angle through the water at the central fountain between 2 blocks A & B of this complex.

Culinary paradise from Asia to Europe
Coming to Midtown, it will be a mistake if you miss out on the culinary paradise that “gets whatever you want”. Several dozen “genuine” restaurants from Europe to Asia will completely conquer you when you walk here for fun and entertainment.
Midtown is always “willing to serve” all your culinary needs from everyday dishes such as coffee, milk tea, buns, rice rolls, instant noodles… to luxury restaurants.
Try a cup of delicious jelly milk tea or a hot bowl of beef pho to feel the unique flavor of the South. Or, if you want to experience international culinary culture, don’t hesitate to order a bowl of Japanese ramen noodles, or a portion of fragrant grilled meat from delicious Korean restaurants here. It’s great, try everything before getting in the car to go home.

This summer, come and explore what’s happening in Midtown – where you can immerse yourself in the green space, enjoy diverse cuisine and capture memorable moments of life here. Summer in Midtown will be an unforgettable experience. Come now, Midtown is always there waiting for you with many interesting things that only exist here.
Source: Phu My Hung